Monday, December 1, 2008

Tagged by Yvern and Kaysha

Do you consider yourself weird or crazy? [pick one only, and don't say neither]
-I pick crazy =)

Who do you think the teddy bear was named after?
-If not mistaken, 'some' President of United States. (hey, hey, yvern, that's definately wrong, if I'm the one, it should sounds like this 'Ayma Dommy', read it properly, it is 'Ayma Dommy'. (I'm a dummy).

Do you like mint?
-No, not at all. But once I eat Mentos and I got addicted to it, I'll finish it all at once.

Are you sexually confused?

Are you claustrophobic?

Are you afraid of heights?
-When I'm sitting on a ferris wheel. Even the small type, freaks me out a lot. ps-I'm not afraid of height but ferris wheel. It's a phobia.

Would you rather bungee jump or parachute if you had one last chance to do something adventurous before you die?
-I choose parachute. Or maybe both if you don't mind.

Are you intending to join the Amazing Race?
-Yes, of course! Wow!

Do you think you sing well?
-No idea.

Do you like anyone? [crush]
-Yes, of course, omg!

Are you a loner?
-Sometimes, when things get bad and when I really miss someone. I'll just stare, stare at something with a blank mind, I think this is the best solution, for not making it worse.

Do you think branded things are over-rated?
-No, I don't think they are, but sometimes, you know.

Are you constantly talking to yourself?
-Yes, I talk to myself but it's not constant. Just a few times.

Do you think you are likely to get dementia at old age?
-Yeah, maybe, who knows.

Use 10 words to describe you.
-I gotta work hard on it, becoming a pilot is my wish.

If the person you like asked you out, would you tell the whole world?
-No, I'll tell them, only if they ask.

Do you cross-dress?
-No, never.

Are you into magazines?
-Nah, magazines. No idea.

Do you read a lot?
-No, I watch a lot.

Are you an atheist?
- No, I think I believe Him.

Do you listen to classical music?
-Sometimes. But I listen to opera more often.

Do you consider yourself more to hip hop, pop or rock? [choose only one]
-No idea.

Are you hard-headed?
-Yes. But I do what, that is possible.

Do you like movies?

Do you like the tv?

Do you like the computer?
-I think so.

Do you think Yoda is cool?
-No idea.

Are you fond of cosplaying?
-Not at all.

Do you hate rap?
-Yes, sometimes.

Do you wear specs?

Do you wear polka-dotted undies?
-Why are you asking me this? Haha.

Are you interested in politics?
-Malaysia's politics, no way, not my type.

Are you a man of many words, or a man of few words?
-Gotta ask my mood.

Are you good at small talk?
-Yes, it's my profession.

Will you grow up to be a fine man?
-Who knows. I guess so.

And finally, drumrolllssss for the final question.
How do you feel after completing this dumbass surv?
- Argh, it get my mood worse.

Now, tag the ones who shall be doomed, let my randomness rule the earth!!! [let this spread and spread and spread till it reaches china]

I tag: Anyone.